November 27, 2013

Happy Turkey Day

For my brother who is constantly bugging me to update the blog :) 

So we've been here almost three weeks.  It's still crazy to think that we live here now.  It happened so fast!  Bullet points of randomness:
  • Kallie has been a week and a half at daycare and has done so good.  She walks into the classroom like a big girl and is a jabberbox when we pick her up.  She must be having a wonderful time learning from all those older kiddos.
    • Things I don't want to forget: she can sing her ABCs by herself, more teeth are coming in, she is learning green means go (but when you ask she may say stop), she likes to eat snow, she loves to be outside and play in the snow, she's starting to be a cranky pants when it comes to napping and bedtime
  • Kyle is a little kid with the snow - throwing snowballs, doing donuts, sliding back and forth in the car, skidding across ice in his shoes - BOYS!
  • First week back to work was hard for me!  We're starting to get into a routine now.
  • We are learning you need a lot of toys to play with outside - hiking backpacks, XC skis, something to push/drag Kallie in on the snow/ice/bike path, a sled, really cool bikes with fat tires in the winter, ice skates, the list could go on. 
  • I really thought it would snow more here - may have just jinxed us.
  • I've started a bucket list for our time in Alaska - things we want to see and do.  I actually need to go back through Laura's blog to see what they did too.  It's long!
  • Costco is the best!  Their chicken is on the menu for Thanksgiving.
  • There are over 100 volcanoes in Alaska - who knew you had to worry about that.
  • The 2 bedroom apartment that was so great last time I posted, well it's getting a bit cramped.  I'm so glad we are not in a hotel but we are really ready to spread out a bit.
  • Playgrounds and parks here rock!  We've been to a few and Kallie had a great time.  Those pictures are on my good camera so can't get those until we get our stuff.
  • Thanksgiving will be eating dinner on the floor in our new house - our household goods should come in next week sometime!
  • Kallie loves the stairs - we've been trying to tell her don't go down without us but she's a little stubborn.  We will be getting a baby gate to put outside her room so she doesn't go down the stairs.
Enjoy some pictures from my phone.

Our snowbunny!

She loved falling in the snow - good thing for the full snowsuit.

Spreading our legs out a little too far.

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