April 3, 2013

Easter 2013

We spent Easter down in Houston with my brother and sister-in-law.  They were such gracious hosts!  A few highlights from our time in pictures:

Kallie got to experience stairs and loved it!  Thank goodness we don't have stairs in our house.  She would be up and tumbling down them, I think.  My brother tried to spend some quality time but she's a little afraid of men right now.  She finally did warm up to both my dad and brother when it was almost time to leave.  She also needed her teddy bear with her all the time!

Of course we got all dressed up for Easter Sunday.  I loved the warmer weather and pulling out all of Kallie's cute spring/summery clothes.  It really stunk to come back to 40 to 50 degree weather here. 

Note the teddy bear in several of these photos.  The only way to keep her calm.

Sunday afternoon more family came over for Easter lunch.  Only group we were missing was Scott, Stacy, and Stephanie from the Saathoff clan - we missed you!  We had a great time laughing and enjoying the beautiful weather.  We even had a mini tournament of washers.  Kallie also got to play in the ice chest - another way my brother won her over.  As you can see she was having a melt down with Opa.  I think next time will be much better.
Kyle and Melissa were such great hosts and so kind (we also had a birthday party for Kallie there but that will be another post).  We look forward to the next time we get to stay with you!

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