March 19, 2013

Kallie Rocked the 'Ville

To get out and get some exercise, I signed us up for the Shamrock the 'Ville 5k run and told Kyle he was pushing Kallie.  It turned out to be a nice morning, a little cool/brisk and windy for Kallie but great running weather.  Kallie was a little overwhelmed with all the noise and activity - that usually means no smiles from her but no complaining either.

We did fairly well considering Kyle has been running just a little bit (without Kallie - with her is a whole different story) and I haven't been running at all.  However, when we got our rankings and times our competitive nature reared its head.  We both were mulling over how we could do better and beat more people, maybe even do some training to get better/faster and sign up for another race.  I can definitely see how running races like these makes you train more and want to compete more, just a continuous cycle.  Maybe this will kick start some exercise in our household.  If only the weather would get better - there is a chance of snow this weekend.  And I'm still sore.

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