She has also stood for a few seconds by herself (after pulling up on some furniture). We are trying to get her to take a few steps but she's not there yet. She's not even standing by herself in the middle of the room yet.
She said her first words (at least where we could understand). For all we know, she could have been saying stuff and we thought she was just jabbering. A few words she can say now are ball, hat, animals, teddy bear and heart.
She can say mama and dada and know who she's talking about or wants, too. I can't believe our sweet little Kallie is growing up so fast!
How did you get her to finally smile?
This makes me laugh. Such a cutie and can't wait to see her. It has been too long.
Hugs and Kisses
Wow! I can't believe she's going to already be a year old next month!! So fun! I can't wait for Kallie and Maggie to meet soon. :)
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