August 6, 2012

A Little Early for Halloween

I'm not sure where we got this little footie pajama outfit but I just had to take a picture of her...she's just so darn cute.  Makes me laugh every time I see this picture.

We also helped at a garage sale...meaning we got the "pick of the litter" so to speak of the goodies there.  I found some shoes that had hardly been worn and will be great for work and in my size.  Unbelievable.  We also went a little crazy on movies.  I mean Disney movies.  On VHS.  Oh yes, we still have one of those.  Hopefully it won't quit working for us before Kallie gets to enjoy all the movies we loved as kids.

Shout out to Aunt Melissa and Uncle Kyle.  Thanks for my super cute outfit! 


Unknown said...

cute outfit! If we knew if David would be here for Halloween, I'd have to go get one for him!!

Courtney said...

That is precious! I can't wait to see her actual Halloween outfit...