July 2, 2012

First Week Back

Back to work I go.  Last week was my first week back.  It was sad to leave Kallie at daycare and not get to spend all day with her but...it is really nice to have some brain stimulation and more adult conversations during the day than just Kyle calling at lunch to check on his girls.  It is definitely bittersweet.  The good thing is that Kallie's daycare is a block or so down from the building we work in so I can drop by and see her during the day.  Last week I went over there Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday - she was sleeping but I still got to see her.

Let's go to school, Daddy!
(Update:  Kyle looks super tired, no he has not been drinking before work,...he didn't even get up with her that night.  Every picture I take of him, his eyes look tired.  He's just not used to getting a few hours of sleep at a time.  Maybe in a few months he'll be used to a new normal. Or at least hyped up on caffeine.)

Kallie did great at daycare.  The first day we picked her up, she just seemed out of it and really tired.  I thought, "Oh, no!  What is wrong with her?  What are we doing to our little girl?" But that only lasted a day.  She was back to her usual self the next morning and the rest of the week.  We also get off 2 days this week so I'll get to spend some extra time with her.

Our little monkey!
Now that I'm back at work, I'm not very good about taking pictures, and blog posts may be few and far between.  I'm soaking up every minute I have with her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's just too precious!glad your first week went well!