July 4, 2012

5 Years of Fun!

Kyle and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Saturday.  Thinking back, we had such a fun wedding!  And we are still having a fantastic time laughing, crying, parenting (what? we're parents?), doing life together.  In some ways, it seems the years have flown by, but it also seems like we have been together for such a long time.

To celebrate, we were going to go to a nice dinner but I just went back to work last week and missed getting to spend my days with Kallie.  So instead of finding someone to watch Kallie for a few hours, we made our own special steak dinner.  (We used this recipe to marinate our steaks...so delicious).  And had the best dessert you could ever imagine!  Junior's Cheesecake all the way from NYC.  Oh, so good.

We had a wondeful dinner and conversation, and Kallie just relaxed in her bouncer next to us letting us enjoy our time together.  I have loved every minute of these past 5 years with Kyle and look forward to many, many more memories we can make together.  Love you!

Also want to wish a happy 5 years to Cason & Allison, our anniversary buddies.  We hope to celebrate with you again someday.

And because I can't have a post without a picture of Kallie:

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