June 20, 2012

Peaches Galore

Our little peach tree has kicked it up a notch and supplied us with tons of little donut peaches...tons!  These beautiful blooms turned into lots of yummy fruit.

This is from our first picking and it didn't even make a dent in the plethora of peaches still hanging on the tree.  We have been eating lots of them and also peeling and freezing even more.

Kyle picked a bunch while Kallie and I were gone, too.  He was being useful by blanching them so they could peel easier but left them on the counter too long and they spoiled.  I would say "What a waste!" but there are so many more still out there.  He gave some to our neighbors and friends and even had a 5 gallon bucket full to the brim (picked in about 10 minutes) waiting for me when I got home.  I think he is a little burned out on peaches but he did so good picking and freezing while we were away.  I think I have peeled probably 300+ since I've been home.  They are small so they don't actually have a lot of fruit but when you have a zillion, it fills up your freezer fast.  Since I didn't want my freezer space taken up by only peaches, I looked into canning some. 

It turned out to be a simple process but time consuming.  I think the most time consuming part, though, was cutting up the peaches...which I would have to do if I canned or froze them.  I used this recipe but there are tons to choose from.  I now have nine of those puppies in our pantry.  At least we have plenty of pantry space.  Maybe Kallie will be able to taste home-grown pureed peaches in a few months. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a ton of peaches!! I've been wanting to plant a peach tree in our backyard. Maybe we can te it done soon! :)