June 18, 2012

Kallie's First Big Adventure: Hondo

Kallie had a great time in Hondo meeting her great grandparents and great aunt/uncle/cousin.  She also got to spend more time with Uncle Kyle and Aunt Melissa.

A few firsts:
  • First time meeting Opa and Oma 
  • First time meeting aunt Stacy and cousin Stephanie
  • First swim - she wasn't too sure about that water
  •  First taste of fresh sweet corn - oh, so good

OK, we didn't actually give her any, but we had our fill of it.

  •  First time having four generations all together

Other fun shots from the week (or day since she's wearing the same outfit in all three photos)

On the way home, I was flying solo back to Tulsa.  It just happened to be time for her to eat about the time I check in and go through security.  She went crazy, crying the whole time.  There were some really great people that helped me with the car seat and stroller.  I just didn't want to be THAT LADY with the annoying baby.  I was begging the security lady to hurry up with checking her bottle so I could feed her.  Man, talk about stressful.  Kyle says he won't let me go anywhere by ourselves now because he missed her too much.  I'm OK with that because I need someone to carry all Kallie's stuff so I can take care of her.  We had such a fun time but it is always great to be home.

Are we there yet?  I miss Daddy!

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