February 23, 2012

Unforgettable 1st Pregnancy

This pregnancy has been unforgettable for many reasons.
  • This is our first baby!
  • Being the 1st pregnancy, I don't know what to expect and am experiencing all kinds of changes to my body I never knew possible.
  • We are pretty clueless when it comes to what we need, want, should expect or should do.  Thank you to my many friends that have walked the road before us.
  • Feeling Kallie punch and kick and have hiccups has been such a fun experience and I love her more and more each day.
  • I'm pregnant at the same time as Mindy and we get to share all that we're going through together.

  • And, I now give myself shots twice a day to thin my blood because of a blood clot.

As many of you know, I went into the hospital January 27th because of a blood clot in my left leg that went from my thigh all the way to my mid calf.  I've been through the whole gamut of emotions:  anger, fear, hopelessness, frustration, defeat, acceptance, peace, thankfulness.  The list could keep going.  Some days I'm positive and doing great, and other days the whole ordeal gets to me.

After first being hit with the news and as I was being wheeled into my hospital room, I saw a quote on the wall, "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."  Isaiah 41:13.  I couldn't help but start crying.  I have embraced that verse and held tight to the fact that God is in control and holding onto my hand and my sweet baby's hand as he walks us through this trial.  In no way is my attitude perfect and many times Kyle has had to encourage and support me through my crying fits but I know my God loves and cares for me and He will not leave me. 

After many doctor appointments, we have a plan.  I will be giving myself shots to thin my blood twice a day for the next 6 months.  I haven't even made it through one month yet, but I will persevere.

Thinning my blood will help my body work through the clot.  I will be having an utrasound each week to monitor her movement, breathing, etc and the fluid levels.  I get to see her every week until delivery!!  I will also have to be off the medicine for delivery...that means it's a scheduled delivery.  We have set the date for Kallie's birthday (if everything goes according to plans--and we know how that goes sometimes).  You can look for her arrival April 10th!!  We are very excited and so looking forward to that day.  That's only 7 more weeks...oh, it's going to go by so fast!  After delivery I'll be back on the meds and then some more testing to check possible reasons why I got a blood clot.  And when we have more kids, I will have to start taking shots again.

Here I am at 31 weeks...not too much longer.

Often times we don't know why these things happen and may never know but I am so thankful to the friends and family that have supported and prayed for us throughout this whole time.  You are all precious to us and we thank you for loving us so much.  To God be all glory and praise!


Stacy Saathoff said...

You look gorgeous! Give all your worries to the Lord. He will take you through this journey! Stay strong and think positive! We love you, Kyle, and Kallie very much. The road appears to be rough right now, but when it's all said and done, you'll look back and say "thank you, God... That was a great ride!". Hugs and kisses!!

Unknown said...

We've been praying for you guys! You're often on my mind, and I can't wait to meet Miss Kallie!