February 13, 2012

Coasting through the Weekend

I have lots of little crafts and fabrics I have bought over the last few years with good intentions of making something great.  Well, I finally got around to making these coasters out of ceramic tiles.  Some monogrammed napkins, a little modge podge and voila...we have personalized coasters.  Now, they are not complete and it may be a few weeks (months) until they are complete, but it is a start.  I need to add felt or cork to the bottoms and put a sealant on top so they are waterproof.

Not bad for a cheap project.  They are not as smooth as I would have liked, but it gives them character. :)

I have a few other sewing projects in the works for baby gifts.  Hopefully I'm a little more diligent in completing those since I'm running out of time.

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