September 27, 2013

Kallie and Her Best Buddy

This is a little late but I thought too cute not to share.  It is so fun to watch these two interact.  They are in the same class at daycare and have been around each other pretty much their whole (short) life.  I had the joy of watching the two of them one afternoon while the Daddy's played golf and one Mommy had to work.

We played with chalk outside, went round and round the house in the wagon, and watched a little bit of Mickey Mouse, just to name a few.  Funny story about nap time.  I thought they may be able to sleep in the same room, one in the crib the other in the pack and play.  I go check on them because it wasn't getting quiet.  Both are holding on to the top bars jumping and laughing at each other!  Needless to say Kallie was not happy when I moved Jax out of the room.  It really was a great time for all of us.

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