December 10, 2012

8 Months Already

I can't believe Kallie is at the 8 month mark.  She's learning so much and changing everyday.  We measured her at 27 1/2ish inches (it's really hard to get an accurate reading with a squirming baby) and 18.5 pounds.  She has been crawling all over the place now and can get wherever she wants to go.  We have to keep a closer eye on her. 

She is also pulling up on everything she can and is getting better at getting back down once she's up.  She still enjoys eating but would prefer to feed herself.  I still sneak a few bites of mashed food in when I can.  She can hold her bottle if you make her but would prefer to have it held for her.

She has also been much more animated and talkative.  And loves splashing the water in the bathtub.  It is so fun to see what she gets excited about.  She's so cute!!!  I know, I'm a little biased, but I can't help it.

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