October 10, 2012

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Kallie!

Kallie is officially 6 month old!  I can't believe we have been parents for 6 months.  And we still go through the same dialogue...are we really parents?  Wonder how long that will last.

We don't go to the Dr. for another 2 weeks for official stats, so I'll just have to take more pictures then, too.

Kallie rolled over from front to back, finally.  She doesn't do it often and I think it's more of an oops than actually trying but I say she can do it!  She is also sitting up on her own.  She loves being up.  And still loves her jumper.  She's so entertaining. 
Using my teddy as a pillow...
It's been interesting to watch her at this stage because it is like something just clicked in her mind.  She is so interested in everything around her and determined to get whatever she sees she wants.  She is starting to reach for you and pull on your clothes when she wants to be picked up...I think it's cute, Kyle may think she's just spoiled.  Oh, well.  She is an eater, too...doesn't miss a meal, that's for sure.  And you can feel a bottom tooth poking through.

She had her first ear infection, didn't even get a fever.  Poor girl...we didn't even know it until she freaked out on us one day.  At least we know the signs for it now.

Kallie is such a happy baby and we are lucky to have such a sweetie pie!

I can't hold this smile much longer....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe she's already 1/2 a year old!! Time sure has flown.