December 6, 2011

It's A ...

So, several of my friends have blogs, and I stalk them often to keep up-to-date with what is going on in their lives.  I'm not big on posting things on Facebook...too many people can read everything, so to reciprocate (as if they are interested in our lives) I decided to start a blog that they could stalk.  Or at least my family will enjoy reading.

To start things off and if you didn't already know, I'm announcing...I'm pregnant!  And I'm 20 weeks!  We had our ultrasound today, and it was absolutely amazing seeing our sweet little baby moving around in my belly.  Here is me at 20 weeks...

I have a little bump.  I definitely gained the pounds for pregnancy so far.  It has been pretty surreal.  I keep I really pregnant?  Then we hear the little heartbeat and know there is still a baby in there and today's ultrasound confirmed it again.  It was really neat to see our perfectly formed little GIRL!!!  The technician said she was already selling tickets to the gun show showing off her muscles in there.  Yep, definitely our little girl.  Well, I'm off to spread the good news!


Courtney said...

YEAH!!!! We're so excited there's a healthy little girl growing in there! And so glad you're joining the blogging world=)

Laura Moore said...

Girls are the I hear. We'll confirm that soon. :) I'll enjoy stalking you too!

Julie Brune said...

YAY!!!!! Congrats Jill and Kyle!!!! So Excited for yall! We miss you guys!

Stacy Saathoff said...

We are sooo excited to have another sweet girl in our family! Congratulations!! You don't even look pregnant! That's how I look after I eat breakfast. ;)) we love you!!

Unknown said...

Congrats Jill!! We miss you guys!!