October 23, 2015

3 Months Young

Ramsey is now 3 months old (at the time I wrote this - we're pushing close to 4 months now).  Weighs 12 lb. and 24 inches long.  He has found his hands, can hold a few things in his hand, smiles all the time, even strangers can get him to smile, and talks a lot!  His giggling has increased tenfold throughout the month and you can now act silly and he'll laugh as opposed to tickling him.  He started daycare this month and is doing great.  He's a baby that loves to check out what is going on and doesn't nap great.  So, he loves all the excitement and is exhausted when he gets home.  He experienced his first plane ride (but missed his first snow).  Kallie is still over the moon as we all are.  We love him so!

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