May 11, 2015

Princess Kallie

Kallie turned 3!  We sang happy birthday and she got to use the special plate.  This year I got the whole thing on camera.

She initially wanted a Nemo part - I searched everywhere for Nemo stuff.  But about 2 weeks before she switched to a Princess / Princess Sofia party.  Much easier to find.  Plus the girls wore their princess dresses and we got crowns for everybody.  The boys got paint stick swords.

Kallie's Bubbie and Bapaw got her an extra special gift - a Frozen power wheel.  She loved driving around in it and is actually pretty good.  (I put that together all by myself - I'm so proud of how I did and that I can be handy when Kyle's away).

Kallie's Lolly and Popsy got her some sporty stuff (along with a lot of girly dress up things as well) that I had to video.  Here is Kallie with her hockey stick (came with net).

And here she is swinging a bat - she's a natural (when she wants to be).  She actually hit the ball the first time after 3-4 swings. 

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