September 24, 2014

Travel by Train (Part 1)

Our Alaskan "vacation" this year was to Seward.  We decided a train ride would be a fun way to get there so that's what we did.

Day 1:  Train ride to Seward then Sea Life Center and park

It was a really beautiful ride, though 4 hours long.  Only problem was we had to get up so early!  They stopped the train around Turnagain Arm as there were Beluga's eating up salmon.  Cool to watch.

The Sealife Center was pretty neat too.  They even had an exhibit where you could touch starfish and other sea animals.  Kallie was not thrilled.  She did enjoy checking out the other animals, though.

We headed to the park afterwards, which Kallie always loves.  She's such a ham.

We checked out the docks to see what people caught that day.  Someone had caught a 200 lb halibut.  It was huge!  Bigger and taller than Kyle.  Now that's a lot of fish.

View from dinner:

Beautiful rainbow on the way back to our hotel:

We had a fun first day.  Seward is a beautiful town (and very walkable).

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